Thursday, November 28, 2019

History Of Gm Essays - Alcohol Law, Driving Under The Influence

History Of Gm DRINKING AND DRIVING Drinking and Driving is dangerous to yourself and others around you. Alcohol is a depressant; it impairs your ability to drive, slows down your reaction time and causes you to make some risky decisions that you wouldn't normally take. The penalty for Drinking and Driving is driving Under the Influence (DUI). If your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) registers over .08, which is 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, you are driving Under the Influence. After having one drink it takes approximately one hour for your body to burn off the alcohol. You can't depend on yourself to be able to drive after an hour because everyone processes alcohol differently and you might even feel the effects long after you've been drinking. Your BAC is based on; your bodyweight, how much you have had to drink, the amount of food you may have eaten before drinking, the length of time over which you have had alcohol, and the speed at which your own body processes alcohol (once again, everyone's is different). There is no way to make your body burn alcohol faster, eating food, drinking coffee, exercising, or taking a cold shower may make you feel better but they have no effect on your rate that alcohol is processed. The following drinks all contain about .5 oz of alcohol; 12 oz of beer, 4 oz of wine, 1 oz of 80 proof liquors. If you are under 21 in California it is also illegal to purchase alcohol or transport alcohol unless accompanied by someone of the age 21 or over. It is also illegal to drive with an open container of alcohol regardless of the age. Of course the penalty would be more severe if the driver is under 21.The penalty for Driving Under the influence can be any combination of the following; prison sentence, fine or license suspension. The penalties can be altered depending on how much you've been drinking, past history of drinking and driving, the amount of time between your past Driving Under the Influence charges and the severity damage if you got in an accident. If an officer suspects you of drinking Under the Influence, you will be forced to pull over, perform a field sobriety test and give a breath sample. The officer must have good reasons to request the test and breath sample. If you refuse to do so it will be charged against you later if you are convicted driving Under the Influence. Bibliography The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, 1997) defines a fatal traffic crash as being alcohol-related if either a driver or a non occupant (e.g., pedestrian) had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.01 grams per deciliter (g/dl) or greater in a police-reported traffic crash. Persons with a BAC of 0.10 g/dl or greater involved in fatal crashes are considered to be intoxicated. This is the legal limit of intoxication in most states. Traffic fatalities in alcohol-related crashes fell by 6 percent from 1996 to 1997. The 16,189 alcohol-related fatalities in 1997 (38.6 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year) represent a 32 percent reduction from the 23,641 alcohol-related fatalities reported in 1987 (51.0 percent of the total). NHTSA estimates that alcohol was involved in 39 percent of fatal crashes and in 7 percent of all crashes in 1997. The 16,189 fatalities in alcohol-related crashes during 1997 represent an average of one alcohol-related fatality every 32 minutes. More than 327,000 persons were injured in crashes where police reported that alcohol was present -- an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes. Approximately 1.5 million drivers were arrested in 1996 for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. This is an arrest rate of 1 for every 122 licensed drivers in the United States (1997 data not yet available). About 3 in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives. In 1997, 30 percent of all traffic fatalities occurred in crashes in which at least one driver or nonoccupant had a BAC of 0.10 g/dl or greater. More than 68.5 of the 12,704 people killed in such crashes were themselves intoxicated. The remaining 31.5 were passengers, nonintoxicated drivers, or nonintoxicated nonoccupants. The rate of alcohol

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Can My Indie Book Be Discovered

Can My Indie Book Be Discovered You have an indie book out there, but youd love to call yourself a traditionally-published author. What does it take for an agent or press to WANT to sign your book.or sign with you? Remember, theres the book, and then theres you. Some authors bring attention to themselves. Some books take off and garner attention all THE BOOK A CATCH 22 Whether or not the agent/publisher wants your indie book is often decided agent/publisher has to determine if it has saturated the market or not. It may have already peaked and reached the readers its targeted for, and the agent/publisher may see theres nothing left in it for them. On the flip side, it may not have done well, which is interpreted as the book isnt made well, isnt written well, or isnt about a good topic. So why would they want it? Theres a small sweet spot in there to make an indie book palatable to the traditional market. There has to be enough spark left in it for the agent to capitalize upon. THE AUTHOR ANOTHER CATCH 22 If your book does well, often the agent/publisher may take a deeper look at the author. How does he market himself? What impact did the author have in the success of the book? What kind of website/blog? How Google-able is he? That type of author can pitch a second book and have great odds of being accepted. But the question is . . . why would he if hes successful as an indie author where the royalties are SO much greater? We have actually reached the point in publishing that you can make as much or more as an indie author as you can as a traditional author. Youll still have to market yourself hard VERY hard. You get no relief traditionally in that department. Your books will be more readily available in libraries and bookstores (though IngramSpark is closing that gap), but in reality, you can often get your books placed in bookstores But if that credibility factor still keeps you awake at night, and you just want that traditional accolade checked off your bucket list, pitch traditional to start with. Be very, very patient at the time it takes to work that system. Or if you arent that patient, work hard as an indie author, knowing that you can pitch subsequent books  later to the traditional world, and your success will often depend  upon the success of your first book youre selling on your own.   Chip MacGregor of MacGregor Literary Agency talks about what it takes for an agent to pick up your indie book. Its honest and very informative. Regardless of the road you take, realize that the professional credibility you seek is completely in your hands. Study the successful in the business, indie or traditional or hybrid of the two, and see what you can do to find success in your world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Administrative Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Administrative Justice - Essay Example As the discussion declares the concept of having an administrative justice system is a great way of dealing with issues as they arise in the political arena. The importance of this system mainly borders on the heightened consciousness that seeks to justify the impact that the Constitution plays in checking the main attributes within the governance of the society . Recognition of the system in the administration of any country requires a willing political climate that can express and identify the various attributes that fuel interest in the realization of a just society. Most of the systems across the world, as noted in Australia, receive appreciation for its identification of the maximum good it has in settling different goals within the system . According to the report findings administrative law allows the concerned parties to come up with new policies and institutions that will assist in safeguarding the interests of the society rather than working towards the needs of a few. The goal is to entrench these views in the realization of a society that appreciates the rule of law. The administrative law in the UK allows people to understand that their decisions will play a big role in identifying what is essential for the administration of justice . The government regulates everyday livelihood, and as such, should not operate without a limit that principally articulates the principles of administrative justice. For judicial systems that acknowledge this fact, it is very easy to deal with the issues within the criminal justice system that impede the realization of everyday goals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The legal rules and regulations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The legal rules and regulations - Assignment Example Different ethical theories studied in chapter 3 include the ethical decision-making theory of utilitarianism as well as deontology and theories of ethical actions such as virtue ethics. The theory that has appealed to me the most is the ethical decision-making theory of utilitarianism. The theory provides a guideline for managers for making ethical decisions. The guidelines state that in order to make ethical decisions a manager needs to view each decision associated with an issue from the lens of cost. In order to ensure that the decision that a manager is taking is ethical, the manager should select the decision which is offering the highest number of benefits and lowest number of costs to the overall society. I am quite attracted by this ethical theory because it promotes the idea that ethical decisions are those that benefit a higher percentage of the population and does not benefit a few powerful individuals who are in the decision making positions. It promotes the idea of viewi ng the society as a whole and not as different parts that are independent of each other. It can even be considered unethical under the light of virtue ethics. Abortion is one of those practices that have been heavily debated in the profession of healthcare due to the ethical issues associated with it. Abortion is a legal practice in several nations and the USA has even rendered it legal during the initial stages of pregnancy. But, this very act is considered as unethical by many and several stakeholders are completely against it.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Moral Problem Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Moral Problem Paper - Essay Example It will be argued that the U.S. participation in the possible humanitarian mission in Syria will be rather precarious from the point of view of Utilitarian moral theory, yet it may be conceivably justified by the use of Kantian ethics. FACTUAL DETAILS The incumbent President of the United States of America, Barack Obama assumed his office on 20 January 2009, and until the present time he has weathered a lot of major political crises, both of internal and external nature, in the course of his Presidency. In particular, Obama’s handling of the 2011 Middle East political upheaval is peculiarly contradictory, with the White House ignoring the crackdown on the protesters in Bahrain and Yemen, while enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya and supporting anti-government rebels in the latter nation. At the same time, it should be noted that Obama is widely perceived as a moderate, yet politically savvy character that combines his outwardly friendly appearance with the well-tested politic al experience. Irrespective of the domestic policy controversies in the U.S., it should be noted that Obama has managed to create a favourable image abroad, including the Arabic nations. This may be a determining factor in the relatively positive perception of his foreign policy in the Third World. At the same time, one might mention that Obama has repeatedly come under heavy criticism both from the right and the left for his alleged elitism and political indecisiveness, and consequently his major foreign policy decisions are distinguished by cautious and even vacillating attitude. However, as his handling of Afghanistan-Pakistan problem shows, he is perfectly able to resort to rather hard-line foreign policy measures, and he is clearly interested in pursuing a balanced world policy, without making drastic steps similar to those of his predecessor. Finally, the U.S. President is clearly interested in restoring/retaining his previous favourable image worldwide that was marred by the U.S. indecisive behaviour in the course of the global economic crisis, and he might be interested in more active U.S. position concerning the attempts of Middle East dictatorial regimes to suppress the currently rising dissent there. The situation in Syria is made complicated by the precarious balance of power between the supporters and opponents of the current regime. As a rule of thumb, it may be assumed that about 220,000 active personnel of Syrian Armed Forces and the unspecified number of pro-Assad higher bureaucracy, as well as about 1,5 million members of dominant Alawite minority that provides the backbone of support for Assad’s regime, are not interested in any major shifts away from the present situation, while the relatively underprivileged Sunni Arab majority and Kurdish minority (altogether about 81% of Syrian population) might gain much from the collapse of Ba’athist dictatorship and the institution of representative democracy system. With respect to curr ent Syria’s population dynamics, these figures will amount to about 2,000,000 and 16,000,000 persons, respectively. Finally, it should be noted that the pleasures that might be received by the parties to the situation from the pro-intervention course of Obama’s action include both lower pleasures such as guarantees of secure sustenance, and higher pleasures (i.e. the participation in the liberal democratic politics after the dictatorship’

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social and Political Discrimination Against Women

Social and Political Discrimination Against Women The world is facing many problems that are demolishing its unity, forcing the process of making a better world harder to achieve. One of the most devastating problems yet to be solved is the womens rights against discrimination. Discrimination, according to Cambridge Universitys dictionary is the act of treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex. Discrimination against women is a type of gender discrimination. According to the Australian Office of Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (OADC) gender discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person because of his or her gender (Justice, 2009). Womens discrimination is a series problem, it is just not a discrimination against a minority (with all do respect to all minorities). It is impossible to realize our goals while discriminating against half the human race Kofi Annan[1]. Annan described discriminating against women discriminating against half of the human race which rely on how important the role of women in the progressing of the human race. The problem of discrimination against women was officially addressed to the world through the first couple of years of the establishing of the United Nations (UN). Women inscribed their identity as holders of rights in the founding documents of the UN-the UN Charter (1945) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) the Convention of Civil Rights to Women (1948) and the Convention on the Political Rights of Women (1952) (Jain Sen, 2005, pp. 12-13). Many countries and nations have issued legislations against discrimination, and specifically against gender or sex discrimination. One of the most notified acts against discrimination is the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 by the British Parliament. Many countries and nations have acts against discriminating women; however, women are still being discriminated b efore the law (Franciscans). Discriminating against women is not just discriminating against a person it is discriminating against families as well; who would want the mother, the sister or the wife to be discriminated at work, at school or at club under no reason but solely because of the gender. The purpose of this essay is to examine the act of discrimination against women and demonstrate on how women suffer in the social life, the political arena and the workplace, and the education. Moreover this essay will adjudge the previous solutions to overcome the problem of discriminating women due to their gender held previously decades ago by countries or nations, and why they did not reap what they have sown. Ultimately, it will propose a solution on how to surmount the problem of discriminating women, because women should not be discriminated due to the prejudice against their gender. Women play the part of half the human race if they were less competent or reliable than men and do n ot deserve equality God would not let them share every role with men. Womens discrimination is much far from being a local issue in a certain part of the world. Women suffer from discrimination, violence and sexual harassment because women most of the times are thought to be less competent than men because of their physical structure. Women are not only discriminated in the developing countries because of the lack of sophistication, women are also being discriminated in the developed countries. Discrimination against women in the UK is deeply ingrained, a government report concludes as cited in (Barriers still in womens way, 2005). The UK, one of the most important and developed countries that plays a major role in the world issues, has a discrimination problem against women which is described by a governmental report to be deeply ingrained or firmly held that it is not likely to be changed. Thus it is a problem that needs more that attention to be solved. According to the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Data shows that discriminato ry practices against women exists and dominates in almost all parts of the world (2008). Therefore, we do not need each developed country telling a one that is not that the developed country is free from discrimination or it is in very small ratio that discrimination hardly can be found. Statistically according to figure 1[2], the ratio between the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the developing countries does not gap critically; life expectancy is more in MENA than in the developing countries while it decreases in the other areas. The world needs all countries and nations help because it is not a one nation problem it is a problem that we all command. Women social life is covered by many kinds of discrimination. Women in social life suffer from many daily-life appellations, especially in the Middle-East other than the West. In the Middle-East women are classified by their relationship status other than by her contribution to the community. While searching for life partner men get repelled from divorced women. In the process of searching, most of the men search for virgin girls whether those men have previous relation or not. Divorced women are treated different than married women. Whereas single-mothers most of the time do not marry after their first marriage because men do not want extra burden or responsibility. On the other hand single-fathers easily can get married most of the time as there is no social norm against them to re-marry. Single mothers do not refuse to marry, however, they are refuted by the men how are seeking marriage. Divorce is more costly for women than men. The most common impact of divorce on women is the f inancial insecurity it creates, increasing the possibility of poverty for them and their children. Data show that after divorce, women experience a 73 percent loss in their former standard of living and men experience a 42 percent rise (Headlee Elfin, 1996, p. p.52). Not only divorce leave women socially downgraded it also leaves her in economical insecurity, and if a women is supporting a child the disaster will be doubled. According to Clarke-Stewart Brentano, divorced women make only five new friends in the first year of divorce due to the emotional damage of divorce (2006, p. 70). Women are more likely to have blighted social life than men after divorce. Nevertheless, society does not welcome divorcees leaving women in a dark corner of the society. Politically, women suffer from a great impact from discrimination. Women have been discriminated in the political arena, as the society gives the women politicians less creditability than men due to some ideas stuck in the minds that women are more likely to be secretaries other than being the boss. The media has a huge impact on such negative ideas, giving the women always as the soft secretary that has a model body shape and a voice that rhymes with music. According to Abdel-Wahabs film, he sketched a wife being a CEO in a governmental institution, while the employees of that institution do not believe that a woman can hold such a sophisticated position (1966). In that film the female CEO proves to her husband and to her employees at the end of the film that she is as competent as any male CEO that has ever held this position. This is the kind of media that needed to be seen today, not the ones that weaken the image of women and strengthens the stereotyping of them in politics and in workplace. According to Constance B. Morella a US Republican Congresswoman, who represents the Seventh District in Maryland, in politics (once elected) there is equity in terms of salary, but not in terms of leadership. Women are excluded from many issue areas and commissions where they might serve as cited in (Headlee Elfin, 1996). In the US congress the government cannot give smaller salary to women, of course or it would be contradicting its own policies out in the public, nonetheless, they do not give women the right of leadership as they might provide help to their country, the US- her country- deny the womens help in leadership. Unlike men, women pursue politics for the sake of issues and morals not for career advancement. The rejection of women being in the political arena gave them the opportunity to be more active volunteers than men, which gave them more than enough experience to successfully enter the political arena (Headlee Elfin, 1996, p. 26). Men do not have an e xtra brain that makes them excel in politics and likely women do not, hence, they are equal and should have equal political opportunities. Women went to work thus, affecting the mens jobs and the economy mainly because of money. Women worked because they did not have husbands as unmarried or divorced, or they had husbands who were in low-pay jobs. In 1994, 59 percent of married women were working for pay which increased by 19 percent from 1970 (Headlee Elfin, 1996, p. 3). As of discrimination in the work place, statistically, pregnant women suffer widespread discrimination at work, figures show, with almost one in 14 mums-to-be denied opportunities for promotion and one in 50 demoted (Pregnant Women; Discrimination at work, 2006). Pregnant women takes the largest piece in the pie chart according to discrimination, some of the pregnant women do not even get paid for maternity leave, while, some of them do not get promoted and some get demoted. Bibliography Abdel-Wahab, F. (Director). (1966). My Wife is CEO [Motion Picture]. Barriers still in womens way. (2005). Evening Post (South Wales) , p. 5. Clarke-Stewart, A., Brentano, C. (2006). Divorce : Causes and Consequences. New Haven: Yale University Press . Franciscans, I. (n.d.). Discrimination Against Women. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from Franciscans International: Headlee, S., Elfin, M. (1996). Cost of Being Female. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated. Jain, D., Sen, A. K. (2005). Women, Development, and the UN : A Sixty-Year Quest for Equality and Justice. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Justice, T. D. (2009, September 4). Anti-Discrimination Commissioner: Gender Discrimination. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from Tasmania Online Your gateway to Tasmania: Pregnant Women; Discrimination at work. (2006). Advertiser, The (Adelaide) , 15. UNIFEM. (2008). Justice / Field Stories / Discrimination Against Women : UNIFEM : Progress Of The Worlds Women 2008/2009. Retrieved December 21, 2009, from United Nations Development Fund for Women:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies William Golding I. England II. Protagonist- Ralph is a rational boy who was elected the leader by the other boys. He tries to keep them civilized and plans to get them rescued. Antagonist- Jack is Ralph’s rival. He wants to be chief, so he gathers a group of boys and forms his own tribe. The boys are taught to b hunters and they act like wild animals. III. A plane carrying a group of schoolboys has crashed on an island. Ironically, the boys were escaping a nuclear war and being flown to freedom. Upon reaching this island they are overwhelmed by the fact that there are no adults and no rules. Ralph, a boy of twelve, is encountered with several male survivors. Him and the others decided to go in search of any other potential survivors. A boy named Jack and his troop then meets them. The two different groups don’t really seem to like one another and they are very different in matters of life. The boys are then faced with many obstacles and try to learn how to deal with it. At this point Jack does not like the way Ralph handles things and forms his own tribe. Ralph as the leader, does not feel that he has much control over the boys and that is why Jack formed his own tribe of hunters. Only two of the boys stayed and showed support to Ralph. Because of all the chaos Ralph no longer wants to be the chief and he knows that he can not change the way the other boys think or act. He doesn’t know what to do at this point and feels that he can’t make anyone civilized. Piggy and Simon are the two boys who stayed back with Ralph and because they chose to stay with him Jack’s group kills them. Everything just seems to be falling apart and no one is thinking straight. Through everything that has happened, Ralph struggles for survival against the â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, the other boys. There was an out-of-control fire meant to kill Ralph, but he did not die. He is then encountered with the boys and at this point they come to realize that they have to get a hold of themselves and move forward. The end of the novel shows that Ralph and the others are relieved by the fact that they no longer should act the way they did.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Macbeth: Victim or villain? Essay

Is Macbeth an evil, ruthless villain or the hapless victim of the ambition and deceit of others? Discuss. In this essay I shall be discussing whether Macbeth is a villain or a victim. I will also be considering to what extent the witches and Lady Macbeth are at fault to the downfall of Macbeth. Throughout the play we see that the witches symbolise evil and were able to regain Macbeth’s trust. The evil sisters manage to deceive him by telling the truth. They acted as the catalyst in of the evil deeds that sped up the events in the play. I believe this as they say riddles that confused Macbeth, but they did not tell him what actions he should take in response to what they said. In this case he decided to explore with these hazardous materials of poison that the witches lay out in front of him. Their words were so tempting that he could not resist. They are the first part of the equation to Macbeth’s misery. He acted on impulse and came up with his own conclusion with the help of his sinister wife, Lady Macbeth. I believe that the witches did play a part in what happened to Macbeth; however I would not say that he was at complete fault. For example, they tricked him with the first prophecy of him being crowned ‘Thane of Cawdor’ which inevitably became true. Furthermore the witches are known as the devil’s workers; therefore we know that they had the power to make him do terrible things. When they meet the solider, Macbeth, for the first time, it did not happen by chance. The witches always knew when they were going to see Macbeth. Their first encounter was in Act 1 Scene 1, ‘There to meet Macbeth’. This shows that they knew where and when they were going to meet. The word ‘There’ emphases the place of meet. This can be argued that what they had to say was even more believable in Macbeth’s eyes. Also shown later, is when they meet the Thane for the second time in Act 4, Scene 1. They are already at the meeting place, waiting for Macbeth’s arrival. They meet him and promise to answer his questions, where he becomes obsessed over what they tell him. Similarly, this shows that they always knew what state of mind he was in. Therefore I believe that they knew the ‘correct’ words to say, which would make him believe them and rely on them which made him become dependant on them. We see this dependence increase towards the end of the play. Having said this, ultimately Macbeth had a choice whether or not to believe them and their powerful words of misery. The weird sisters tricked him with their riddles, but they did not tell him that he should kill King Duncan, to become King himself. He listened to their words and jumped to his own conclusion with the help of his ambitious wife. As his eagerness took over his mind he did not consider waiting to see what would happen without him meddling. One of Macbeth’s failings was that he was foolish in continuing to trust in the witches, which is shown when he kills the Scottish King and revisits the witches for he second time. In the play, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as an ambitious, cunning and cold-hearted woman who has greedy aspirations who will do anything within her power that will accomplish her deepest desires. She has a burning passion that is craving inside of her that needs to be acknowledged and appreciated by others around her. This resulted in her ambitious actions, thoughts and words of the horrendous murder of Duncan. I feel that she acts as the catalyst who speeds up the events leading up to the murder of the rightful King, which is the second part of the equation. She is a conspirator even if she didn’t finally commit the murder where she was a woman who had a lack of compassion. Lady Macbeth challenges her husband’s manhood several times in the play. This can be seen when she says, ‘Yet do I fear they nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness, To catch the nearest way.’ She believes that he is soft and possibly weak and that he is too good natured for a man who has just come back from winning the battle. She does not see the difference between killing an opposition in the battlefield and the King, to her it is the same thing. This highlights her cold-heart and her greed of aspiration. This also shows how manipulative and dominating she was over her husband. Here she also suggested that his conscience gets in the way and that he gets nervous and worried at the first hurdle. She confronts his manhood yet again, except this time he responds to her wilt, ‘We will proceed no further in this business.’ After his wife’s best efforts to convince him into committing the murder he puts his foot down and dismisses her craving for ambition. Despite her manipulation Macbeth does not wish to kill the King as they are cousins. Furthermore, it can be seen that he wants to continue enjoying the praises that he is receiving from winning the battle. If he commits the murder he will lose all good opinions of him for the fellow noblemen. It will also stop him gaining a higher position in the hierarchy. Lady Macbeth continues to push her husband into committing the crime, ‘And live a coward in thine own act and valour’. She tells him that he is coward for not being able to kill the King. She does not understand why he would want to act as a hero when he has a chance of having the greatest power that they could only ever dream about. Having said this he is only seen as a coward in her eye as he does not do the bad deed that she wishes. Macbeth becomes restless with her doubting his masculinity, ‘Prithee, peace, I dare do all that may become a man’. Here he is telling her that he is a man and that he does have the courage of a man and he refers again back to the battle. Just because he does not want to kill the king does not make him any less of a man. Just because he is not King does not mean that he is not a man. He does not need that status to define him to be a man. Another reason as to why he did not want to kill Duncan is because he would be going against God’s wishes. When this play was written it was believed that the King was chosen by God and that it was God that made that choice and if you did not agree with the King then you were disagreeing against God. The King gained the authority of not having to justify himself to his kingdom when he made decisions. Therefore it was seen as the ultimate sin to perpetrate. She once more confronts Macbeth over his manliness as she says, ‘To love the baby that milks me: / I would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have pluck’d the brains out, had I sworn / As you have done to this.’ Here she confronts him about when he gave his word to her that he would do the terrible deed. Using powerful, emotive words she is trying to make Macbeth commit the murder. Lady Macbeth continues to try and conjole Macbeth by telling him that she would murder her very own baby if she had given her word. By using such an extreme example like this, it just shows how much she wanted to become Queen. Here it shows that she would do anything within her power to become Queen. She did not want to stop for any cause. To an extent, the implication given here is that she is more of a man that he is, which demonstrates that she is trying to belittle him, by using such an extreme example. ‘Unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull, of dinest cruelty.’ This shows that in this point in the play she appears to be even more cruel and heartless than Macbeth. Her restless desire of ambition, power and status overcame her mind that she wanted all of her womanly powers to decease from her body at that very moment in time. Which comes to a shock to the audience as this would have been unusual behaviour for a woman to wish these things. This quote also shows the masculinity of her mind. She suggests that she is preparing herself to commit the murder. She is saying that her womanly features and behaviour are stopping her from performing such a violent sin that she connects with manly behaviour. He allowed himself to be pushed and controlled by his wife. He could have put a firm stop to it, but he failed. In the back of his mind he wanted to do all the things that she wished, if he did not he would not have let her walk over him. In the play, Macbeth’s character changes throughout the play. At the beginning we see that he is a loyal and kind man who has respect and dignity for King Duncan, where he is a brave warrior. However, this soon changes when he begins to interact with the witches. Temptation and ambition kick in when he starts to befriend the witches. The witches trick him with the first prophecy as it comes true without him having to do anything. From here on, it is as though he trusts the witches automatically. As the first prophecy is quite small, with him becoming the ‘Thane of Cawdor’ the prophecies that follow increase in ‘size’ where power and status also increase with each prophecy. He becomes so anxious to become King himself that he was prepared to take an unlawful path. However, he does not realise that they deceive him with more important, like him becoming King and warning that they give him about Macduff. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth. We see that she succeeds in manipulating him into the sinful crime of killing the rightful king. She manages to overcome the objections that he has towards the murder. When he resists he continually challenges his masculinity until he proves her wrong. We see that she is eager to be Queen and that she uses all arguments within her power to persuade him to carry the murder through. It is, as though she knows his weakness and uses them to her advantage. She knew which buttons to press in order to get what she wanted. He is seen to be weaker than he should be and allows Lady Macbeth to sway his better judgement. When he went into battle he was a leader of men, however this changes when he comes out of battle. He loses that control and Lady Macbeth takes over. She manages to take control, not through sexual means but through a deeper, darker more masculine manner. She takes charge of her husband and he obeys. Having said this Macbeth is ambitious, he is more taken by the witches than Banquo. They both had their first encounter with the ‘weird sisters’ at the same time, however Banquo did not wish to take notice of them, he had the willpower to say no, whereas Macbeth fell for their words. He ultimately had a choice whether or not to believe them. Banquo did not trust their intentions, ‘The instruments of darkness tell us truths; win us with honest triffles, to betray’s, In deepest consequence’ the agents of evil, the witches, told them simple truths so that they trust them. Here Banquo explains that they grab their ‘victims’ attention by telling these simple truths so that they trust them, which unavoidably become true. Once they had their ‘victim’ wanting more they began to complicate the riddles, which in this case was Macbeth where he became confused Macbeth, which made him take actions that were unnecessary. Adding to this, it is hard to understand how he had allowed himself to be controlled by his wife. Especially as he was a leader of men, not so long ago. It shows that as ambition and loyalty come together with guilt only one will win. Also showing that it is hard to control these factors when they come together. We can see the terrible outcome that it has on him. It shows that Macbeth had a lack of control and self-control. He wanted to succeed and gain power and status as much as his wife. If he did not have that drive in him he would not have killed the king. It just shows that he wanted to do the bad deed. This can be seen when he does not dismiss the idea of killing Duncan, ‘Not cast aside so soon.’ Here it shows that he has not made up his mind about what he wants to do, but he did not exclude this idea. In his defence, this could signify that he still hopes to become king in a legitimate manner. In the play we see that it is women that take control of Macbeth. They dominate the play. It begins with the witches, and it ends with the suicide of Lady Macbeth. Women have had the upper hand throughout the play. It is as though, going into battle made Macbeth see life in a different manner. As we do not know what he was like before going into the battle we cannot be sure of how true this judgement is. Having said this I feel that, the battle did make him soft inside, and that he may have wanted a better reward and that being crowned a Thane was not enough. In the back of his mind ambition was craving and growing like a disease. He wanted to do something for himself and he found that killing Duncan was the best thing for him and his wife. As his ambition increases he becomes more brutal and less reflective and his sympathy is lost. Killing Banquo is less serious than killing the King, however it was not just Banquo who was killed, and it was also his son Fleance. As well as this the murder of Lady Macduff and her children were also arranged. He arranged to have them killed as he acted on what the witches had told him before. The witches warned him about Macduff, so he decided to have him killed. As the fellow nobleman was there, out of anger he had his family killed. Having looked at all of the arguments, I believe that Macbeth is at fault for his downfall. There are many factors in the play that contributed to his failure, however Macbeth did not take control of the situation. He allowed himself to be caught up in the commotion of the witches and his motivated wife. He let others take control and tell him what to do, which can be seen as ironic as he was a leader himself. The only difference is that he led men and women now lead him. Macbeth was always ambitious, he won the battle and he listened and acted on what the witches had said. I believe that he acted on what they told him as he let his heart do the talking. He wanted a quick result without having to wait. In the back of his mind I believe that he did know the consequence of murdering the king, nevertheless he still acted on his passion. However, at the end of the play, we see Macbeth meet his death by his rival Macduff. In conclusion I believe that he is to blame for his own downfall and the misery that he and others suffered.

Friday, November 8, 2019

catcher in the rye1 essays

catcher in the rye1 essays A classic theme in American literature is a youth's journey into adulthood. This journey is usually met with some adversity. Such is the case with J. D. Salinger's book The Catcher in the Rye. In this book the protagonist, Holden Claufield, is a nineteen year old expelled college student who is going through some tough times. Most of Holden's problems stem from his inability to disregard his childhood and proceed to maturity. Throughout the novel, Holden tries to hold onto the comfort of his childish ideals and ways of life, but society seems to demand that he grow up. Multiple times in the book, Holden ponders of ways to simply move away to another part of the country in order to escape the responsibilities of maturity. The first example of this is when Holden meets an old girlfriend of his, Sally Hayes. Once their conversation was on what he has been doing lately, he becomes enthralled in the idea of escaping with her to the countryside and living a simple life. Sally keeps reality in check by telling him that if he wants to have a real relationship, than he should finish college and get a real job. Then, she says, there will be "oodles of marvelous places to go to."(Salinger, 133). Holden replies, "No, there won't be. It'd be entirely different. We'd have to go downstairs in elevators with suitcases and stuff. We'd have to phone up everybody and tell 'em good-by and send 'em postcards from hotels and all. And I'd be working in some office, making lots of dough, and riding to work in cabs and Madison Avenue buses, and reading newsp apers, and playing bridge all the time."(Salinger, 133). In this example it is clear that Holden is protesting the kinds of things that are associated with the boring side of a responsible adult life. Society is represented by Sally, who says that he is crazy for thinking of actually doing things like breaking off all contacts and living a secluded life off ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Civil Rights and Affirmative Action essays

Civil Rights and Affirmative Action essays Think of this, a man is ignored and shut out at work because everyone thinks he got his job because of his color. The problem is, he was more qualified than every other person, black or white, that applied for the job, and he is treated like he is not qualified. This whole situation should be avoided. Our affirmative action policies in America need to be changed. The ways that people look at each other is different in the workplace because everyone wonders if they or a co-worker has gotten their job due to affirmative action. Minorities think that affirmative action is used to help past wrongs, but whites see it as a form of reverse discrimination. People say that unqualified minorities get jobs from more qualified whites, and that is causing more qualified people to take lower-paying jobs. Since the beginning of the use of affirmative action, America has become a racially tense and a strained place to live in, since whites and minorities fail to agree on the effectiveness of this pr actice. Affirmative Action is defined by Webster's New World College Dictionary as " a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups." Affirmative Action was designed to help eliminate past & present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was implemented because of the discrimination that minorities received from the whites of America (Kivel 9). The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246, which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin," (Lewis 15). In 1967, Johnson expanded the Executive Order to include affirmative action requirements to benefit women (Peters 43). Originally, these civil rights programs wer...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Report - Case Study Example Chatime has enjoyed competitive advantage of its local brand of tea for long and now seeks a wider market to expand their branches as well as increase the visibility into the market not only locally but internationally as well. Zhao is the owner and overall manager of the brand and hence seeks to make not only operational decisions which are short term but strategic ones as well which will make the brand bigger. According to him, he wants his brand to be the â€Å"Starbucks of tea (Griffin, 2010) and hence the reason for the planning of the expansion.† This opportunity to diversify is faced with challenges one of them being that the customer base will be shifting from purely Chinese customers to the mainstream ones as well. Mainstreaming the tea will attain the company’s objectives of expansion but there is risk of rejection as well as the probable need to change the products to suit the culture and tastes of the mainstreams (Helms & Nixon, 2010). Carrying out a Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) analysis is the best way for Zhao to understand the issues ahead of him and enable him to make the best decision as well (Ayub, et al. 2013). Identification of the strengths of the tea in the business will enable him to understand whether the locals love the tea because it is local or purely for its flavor. It is the locals’ love for the tea that has made the brand get uplifted to that level of even owning over 40 branches. The strength of the new market will also act as incentive or guide Zhao as to whether tapping into it is worth changing his product and customizing it for the new potential clients. The mainstream clients are bound to increase the popularity of the tea blend and its success will mean that the tea will be accepted globally as well. The other strength is that Zhao is a good business man and a strategic manager and is determined to make it work. He already has a plan in place that can work

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Research Paper - Essay Example Therefore, this paper would major on the various methods that were used to encounter Islamic influence in mediaeval Europe. The Islamic social, economic and political changes that were taking place in medieval Europe were met by different responses from Christians. One major response used in Europe was the anti-Islamic discourse. Such discourses tended to stereotype anything that was Islamic in nature. The stereotypes would touch on the religious, social, military, and technology among others. They were meant to instill fear on people to create a state of discomfort. Here, European cultures were made to appear as superior to the Islamic civilisation. It was more or less like a state of competition between the two rival religious groups (Al-Shawaf 1). The two rival civilizations in Europe were unique in that both were embedded in Christian and Islamic religions. Thus, religion took a centre stage in the social, economic and political problems faced in medieval Europe. That marked the emergence of a complex state of crisis in the economic, religious and sociopolitical campaign that was also known as crusades. Crusades were to be used to solve the existing problems in Europe. They then became the central part of European history. Crusades is also believed to have begun at around 11th century and ended in 1798. It was used by Europe as a weapon against Islamic expansion and aggression. They lasted for two decades, leading to the questioning of the moral legitimacy of the church. To some extent, crusades brought religious wars that tainted the image of the church. Destruction of the existing social life in Europe is one of the factors which drought discomfort in Europe. Europe viewed Islamic culture as barbaric and inferior to theirs. Some scholars reveal that Europe referred to Islam and Islamic culture as â€Å"the other† and "people of heresy†. Issues like polygamy, as opposed to monogamy, must have brought sharp contrast